Retail Safety & Security Window Films

Protect Your Inventory While Enticing Customers

As a store owner, you know that customers want to see what’s in your store before they open the door. Window shopping plays a huge role in sales, but protecting your inventory can be difficult when a big pane of glass is the only thing between your product and a smash-and-grab intruder.

Instead of hindering the view inside and out with bars, drapes, or unsightly blinds, Lakeside Window Tint Safety Film can deter or delay entry into your store without compromising the appearance of your storefront. We also offer specialty attachment systems designed to further hold glass in place.

Shield Your Store Against Mother Nature’s Fury

Criminals are not the only concern when operating a business. Severe weather can shatter a window, forcing you to close your store while it’s being repaired. Lakeside Window Tint Safety Film holds broken glass in place during a storm or blast event, which mitigates personal injury due to flying glass.

Enjoy the Added Benefits of UV Protection and Heat Reduction

While providing a greater level of security to your building, Lakeside Window Tint Safety Film also offers UV protection for your displays, carpeting, and interior surfaces. Since fewer UV rays can penetrate the window film, interior heat is also reduced, equating to lower utility bills and more comfortable surroundings.

Call our expert representatives today at (844) 239-0036 to find out which Lakeside Window Tint Safety Film is right for your needs.

Or request a call for a FREE estimate